
Hello March, I see you have arrived

*Sketch session at Surfer's Coffee Bar w/sister:

*Dis guy, shreds..

*She said YES!

*Cheers (:

*Jam session:

*Homemade/flavored edamame & Ezekiel:

*The ladies:


My Definition of Chillaxin' for Today

*Blackbook session w/coffee @ Surfer's Coffee Bar; A work in progress:

*Open-mic night @ Surfer's Coffee Bar; Great performances:

*Our poser-cat, Chunky:


Church Notes

*Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

In the face of suffering and pain, The Lord, our justice is one. As Hell postures itself like it still reigns, the peace of heaven will come. I am a child of God. I see all these things – I’m broken. The Lord, our justice is one. I bow my head to the king in submission as his words are spoken. The peace of heaven reigns. Salvation is our banner. I will not surrender to the power of darkness. All my fear has vanished in the presence of heaven. Can you feel the fire – The fire in my heart? I see dead men walking; I can’t help but prophesy. Life – To the dead you will rise again. Life. To the power of Hell – It can’t have you, my kingdom is stronger. Fight – You must fight. I know the weight of all the fear in life. I know it’s easier to fade and die. But can I tell you what it is you don’t see? There was a king who came and gave his life for all the broken ones like you and I. It’s in his sacrifice I trust and believe. Can you feel the fire – The fire in my heart? We are dead men walking. We were born to prophesy. In the face of all Hell, watch the dead live again. All the kingdom are redeemed from the curse with a story to tell. Watch the dead live again. Bringing salvation to all of the hurting abandoned and used. Watch the dead live again. All of the nations stare in amazement to watch what we do. The peace of heaven reigns. Salvation is our banner. As we dance, can you feel the earth shake? Glory. Can you feel the glory? Glory fall. Can you feel the glory of God? Our praise, we dance before the host of heaven. All that I need is your presence, so let your glory fall. Your holy name can save us, so let your glory fall.


Sketch Sessions

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to sketch/collaborate with Candice, hung out at Kissaten Cafe, chill spot.

...story of my life.

From My Point of View


"Taste & See"

*John 4:13, 14 (NIV)
13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

*Psalm 34:8a (NIV)
"Taste and see that the LORD is good..."
My thoughts behind this sketch:  As a representation of myself and what's going on in my heart/mind/soul, I am desperate for Living Water, and the truth is, only Jesus can quench this thirst.  And if you're human just like me, you should be this thirsty/desperate for real life too.